
NJACS 4th Annual NMR SymposiumMembers of the Stark group and CCNY Faculty member Robert Messinger attended the North Jersey ACS NMR Topical Group 4th Annual NMR Symposium, held in collaboration with Princeton ACS Section. Front row from left to right: Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering Robert Messinger, Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry Ruth Stark. Back row: Mr. Qian Wang, Ms. Christine Chrissian, Mr. Keyvan Dastmalchi, and Ms. May Poh Lai.
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Exploring a ubiquitination machine using structural and chemical biologyR. Andrew Byrd, NIH NCI, 3/8/2011, CCNY
Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conferencewith Ron Koder, Marilyn Gunner, et. al. Marine Biol. Lab, Woods Hole, MA

An Atomic Resolution Structure of an Amyloid Fibril with Magic Angle Spinning NMR and CryoEMBob Griffin, MIT, 3/30/2011, CCNY
Frontiers in NMR Spectroscopy: Biomolecular Structure, Dynamics and InteractionsBax, Rienstra, Hashimi, Kay, Kalodimos, Gierasch, Gardner, 3/23/2011, CCNY Great Hall

RNA folding by computationAlain Laederach, Wadsworth Ctr & SUNY Albany, 12/3/2010, Hunter College

Revealing the Energy Landscapes of Ribosome Function
Paul Whitford, Los Alamos, 11/18/2010, College of Staten Island
GPCR Mini-Conference6/23/2010, College of Staten Island

NMR Studies of Large GPCR FragmentsOliver Zerbe, U. of Zurich, 6/21/2010, College of Staten Island

White Matter Abnormalities in a Group of High Functioning Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Manzar Ashtari, Radiology, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, 5/4/2010, College of Staten Island

Botanicals for Human Health; Role of Amyloids in Cell Adhesion
Ed Kennelly, Lehman C; Peter Lipke, Brooklyn C, 4/15/2010, College of Staten Island